Lab: file system

In this lab you will add large files and symbolic links to the xv6 file system.

Before writing code, you should read "Chapter 8: File system" from the xv6 book and study the corresponding code.

In this lab, there are several questions for you to answer. Questions are in boxes with a light orange background. Write each question and its answer in your notebook. Take photo(s) of your questions/answers and submit the photo(s) on Canvas.

The Linux grep command can be helpful on some questions. For example, suppose a question asks you about the struct proc. You can discover the definition and uses of the struct proc by issuing the following Linux grep command in the kernel directory.

$ grep inode *.h
defs.h:struct inode;
defs.h:int             dirlink(struct inode*, char*, uint);
defs.h:struct inode*   dirlookup(struct inode*, char*, uint*);
... lots of matches
fs.h:#define IBLOCK(i, sb)     ((i) / IPB + sb.inodestart)
proc.h:  struct inode *cwd;           // Current directory
% grep inode *.c
exec.c:static int loadseg(pde_t *, uint64, struct inode *, uint, uint);
exec.c:  struct inode *ip;
exec.c:loadseg(pagetable_t pagetable, uint64 va, struct inode *ip, uint offset, uint sz)
... lots of matches
sysfile.c:  struct inode *ip;
sysfile.c:  struct inode *ip;

In the directory of your xv6-labs, create two files: answers-fs.txt and time.txt that I may use if I run your code using your zip file submission. The answers-fs.txt is a blank file. The time.txt file contains the number of hours you spent on the lab.

$ echo > answers-fs.txt
$ echo 8 > time.txt

Fetch the xv6 source for the lab and check out the fs branch:

  $ git fetch
  $ git checkout fs
  $ make clean


1. We know there are disk inodes and in-memory inodes. This question is more general. Describe an inode in your own words.

2. Why do we have disk inodes and in-memory inodes?

3. Inodes (both disk and in-memory) do not contain filenames. Where are filenames and how are they related to inodes?

4. We know the RAM is a sequence of bytes, where each byte has a physical address. Compare RAM and disks.

5. Suppose that our file system has disk blocks that are 1024 bytes and a disk inode is 64 bytes. Our file system has allocated blocks 7, 8, and 9 to store disk inodes.

  1. How many files does our filesystem support?
  2. Given we need to read the file associated with inode number 70, how do we get the inode from the disk?

6. Suppose that our file system has disk blocks that are 1024 bytes and the following is the format of our disk inode, which does not have any indirect blocks is the following.

struct dinode {
  short type;           // File type
  short major;          // Major device number (T_DEVICE only)
  short minor;          // Minor device number (T_DEVICE only)
  short nlink;          // Number of links to inode in file system
  uint size;            // Size of file (bytes)
  uint addrs[8];        // Data block addresses
What is the maximum number of bytes a file can be?

7. Suppose that our file system has disk blocks that are 1024 bytes and the following is the format of our disk inode, where addrs[8] is an indirect block.

struct dinode {
  short type;           // File type
  short major;          // Major device number (T_DEVICE only)
  short minor;          // Minor device number (T_DEVICE only)
  short nlink;          // Number of links to inode in file system
  uint size;            // Size of file (bytes)
  uint addrs[9];        // Data block addresses
What is the maximum number of bytes a file can be?

8. How does a filesystem support multiple filenames referencing the same data?

9. How does the open system call reference a file?

10. How does the read system call reference a file?

11. How does a directory entry reference file?

12. What are three ways to reference a file?

13. Consider the following C code snippet.

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
   int fd = open("file", O_RDONLY);
What is the value of fd and why?

14. Consider the following ls command, which I entered on our CPSC server. The command displays information about a file that is stored in the file's inode.

$ ls -l file.c
-rw-r--r--  1 gusty faculty 3609 Apr 22  2024 file.c
  1. Which of these items can Xv6 display?
  2. What is the system call that can change the number of links to the file?

15. Consider the following echo and pwd commands, which I entered on our CPSC server. The commands and output have line numbers so I can reference them for questions. The echo command shows I am using the bash (or Bourne Again) Shell. Ken Thompson ahd Dennis Ritchie (both at Bell Labs) were the original developers of Unix. Unix Version 6 (released in 1975) was the first version widely distributed, and it is the basis of our Xv6 OS. Ken Thompson wrote the first shell, which was in the file sh.c. Our Xv6 user/sh.c is similar to the original Thompson shell. Stephen Bourne (of Bell labs) wrote the Bourne shell, which was included in the 1979 release Unix Version 7 in the file sh.c. Brian Fox of the GNU project wrote the Bourne Again shell as a completely open version of the Bourne shell. The bash shell was released in 1989. bash is the default shell for most Linux and Unix distriubtions.

 1 $ echo $SHELL
 2 /bin/bash
 3 $ pwd
 4 /home/faculty/gusty/xv6-labs/kernel
 5 $ cd ..
 6 $ pwd
 7 /home/faculty/gusty/xv6-labs
  1. Notice how the pwd commands on lines 3 and 6 show different current working directories. In which OS data strcuture is the current working directory stored?
  2. Notice the .. on the cd command on line 5. What is .. and where is it stored?

16. When a process starts, what are file descriptors 0, 1, and 2?

17. Consider the following ls command, which I entered on our Xv6 system.

README         2 2 2305
If you examine the code in ls.c, you will discover the following line of code displays the ls results.
  printf("%s %d %d %l\n", fmtname(path), st.type, st.ino, st.size);
If you examine the code in printf.c, you will discover the following line of code is used to display each character.
  write(1, &c, 1);
Explain how the following ls shell command places the output into a file, even though it uses the exact same printf and write statements as shown above.
$ ls README > file
$ cat file
README         2 2 2305

18. What is a file?

19. What is a pipe?

20. Both open and pipe system call return file descriptors. Compare files and pipes.

21. Xv6 does not have a rename system call. Describe what you would have to do to implement rename. I am not looking for the details of how to add a system call to Xv6. I just want you to describe what has to happen for a file to be renamed.

22. Suppose that our file system has disk blocks that are 1024 bytes and the filesystem has 32,768 total blocks. We allocate block 1 to the super block, block 2 to the log head, blocks 3 to 31 to log blocks, and blocks 32 to 44 to inodes. How many blocks must we allocate to the bitmap in order to use the remaining blocks as data blocks.

23. Consider the following diagram of a tiny filesystem. The dinodes are on block 1. The ROOT directory is allocated to dinode 1. Data blocks begin at block 10. Redraw the diagram in your notebook, and complete it for the file /file, which has your name as its content. Assume that block 11 is allcated as the data block for file.
Tiny FS

24. Consider the following diagram of a struct proc and its corresponding file data structures.
struct proc and file structs

Explain the diagram in your own words.

Problem 1: Large files

In this assignment you'll increase the maximum size of an xv6 file. Currently xv6 files are limited to 268 blocks, or 268*BSIZE bytes (BSIZE is 1024 in xv6). This limit comes from the fact that an xv6 inode contains 12 "direct" block numbers and one "singly-indirect" block number, which refers to a block that holds up to 256 more block numbers, for a total of 12+256=268 blocks.

You'll change the xv6 file system code to support a "doubly-indirect" block in each inode, containing 256 addresses of singly-indirect blocks, each of which can contain up to 256 addresses of data blocks. The result will be that a file will be able to consist of up to 65803 blocks, or 256*256+256+11 blocks (11 instead of 12, because we will sacrifice one of the direct block numbers for the double-indirect block).


The mkfs program creates the xv6 file system disk image and determines how many total blocks the file system has; this size is controlled by FSSIZE in kernel/param.h. You'll see that FSSIZE in the repository for this lab is set to 200,000 blocks. You should see the following output from mkfs/mkfs in the make output:
nmeta 70 (boot, super, log blocks 30 inode blocks 13, bitmap blocks 25) blocks 199930 total 200000
This line describes the file system that mkfs/mkfs built: it has 70 meta-data blocks (blocks used to describe the file system) and 199,930 data blocks, totaling 200,000 blocks.
If at any point during the lab you find yourself having to rebuild the file system from scratch, you can run make clean which forces make to rebuild fs.img.

What to Look At

The format of an on-disk inode is defined by struct dinode in fs.h. You're particularly interested in NDIRECT, NINDIRECT, MAXFILE, and the addrs[] element of struct dinode. The following figure is an updated version of Figure 8-3 in the xv6 book. It shows a dinode with direct, singly-indirect, and doubly-indirect blocks. You should compare this diagarm with Figure 8-3. You should notice that the size of a struct dinode did not change. The dinode in Figure 8-3 has 12 direct addresses and one singly-indirect. The dinode in the following figure has 11 direct addresses, one singly-indirect, and one doubly-indirect.

If you understand this diagram, you are well on the way to solving this problem.
Disk IO

The code that finds a file's data on disk is in bmap() in fs.c. Have a look at it and make sure you understand what it's doing. bmap() is called both when reading and writing a file. When writing, bmap() allocates new blocks as needed to hold file content, as well as allocating an indirect block if needed to hold block addresses.

bmap() deals with two kinds of block numbers. The bn argument is a "logical block number" -- a block number within the file, relative to the start of the file. The block numbers in ip->addrs[], and the argument to bread(), are disk block numbers. You can view bmap() as mapping a file's logical block numbers into disk block numbers.

Your Job

Modify bmap() so that it implements a doubly-indirect block, in addition to direct blocks and a singly-indirect block. You'll have to have only 11 direct blocks, rather than 12, to make room for your new doubly-indirect block; you're not allowed to change the size of an on-disk inode. The first 11 elements of ip->addrs[] should be direct blocks; the 12th should be a singly-indirect block (just like the current one); the 13th should be your new doubly-indirect block. You are done with this exercise when bigfile writes 65803 blocks and usertests -q runs successfully:
$ bigfile
wrote 65803 blocks
done; ok
$ usertests -q

bigfile will take at least a minute and a half to run.

Some Hints


The file user/bigfile.c has been provided. It creates the longest file it can by repetitively writing a buf[BSIZE] to the file big.file until the write() call returns a negative number. The bigfile command displays the number of blocks written. After you have implemented the solution, the bigfile command should write 65803 blocks.

If you enter the bigfile command on the original Xv6creates the longest file it can write is 268 blocks.

$ bigfile
wrote 268 blocks
bigfile: file is too small
The test fails because bigfile expects to be able to create a file with 65803 blocks, but unmodified xv6 limits files to 268 blocks.

Study bigfile.c. You will see that it writes the block number to each block, and after writing blocks, it reopens the file and reads the blocks, making sure that each block contains the correct block number.

Problem 2: Symbolic links

In this exercise you will add symbolic links to xv6. Symbolic links (or soft links) refer to a linked file by pathname; when a symbolic link is opened, the kernel follows the link to the referred file. Symbolic links resembles hard links, but hard links are restricted to pointing to file on the same disk, while symbolic links can cross disk devices. Although xv6 doesn't support multiple devices, implementing this system call is a good exercise to understand how pathname lookup works.

Your Job

Originally, you were to implement the symlink(char *target, char *path) system call, which creates a new symbolic link at path that refers to file named by target. Implementing this is rather difficult. Thus, I have modified this portion of the lab so that you only have to answer questions.

Some Hints

    24. Explain soft and hard links. How are they different? How are hard links implemented?

    For further information about links (both symbolic/soft and hard links), you can search the Internet or refer to the man pages for link and symlink. When performing your background study be sure to study the differences between soft and hard links.

    25. This lab has a symbolic link test program - user/syblinktest.c, which was intended to test your implemenation of symbolic links. Instead, you will study user/symlinktest.c and document your understanding.

    In the file user/symlinktest.c, explain the functions testsymlink() and stat_slink().

    26. Create a design for symbolic links. Design the symlink() system call that creates a symbolic link and open() that opens a symbolic link. Your open() design has to traverse two symlinks.

    In your design, you can create/use functions such as the following:

    For example, $ echo gusty > file can be designed as follows. You can create other functions.

    1. ialloc() an inode for file.
    2. balloc() a data block for file.
    3. Add the data block to file's inode.
    4. Write the string gusty to the data block.
    5. Update the size in file's inode.
    6. Add the directory entry file and inode to the current working directory.


    $ symlinktest
    Start: test symlinks
    test symlinks: ok
    Start: test concurrent symlinks
    test concurrent symlinks: ok
    $ usertests -q

    Submit the lab

    This completes the lab. Read Lab Submissions for instructions on how to submit your lab.