Welcome to Gusty.Bike, a website for programmers, bicyclists, guitarists, parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends. Mostly for programmers at this time.
mov r0, 0x47757374 // gust to r0
mov r1, 0x792e4269 // y.bi to r1
mov r2, 0x6b650000 // ke00 to r2
I like to stay busy. Some of my activities are captured in these boxes.
I have several bicycles that I enjoy riding and maintaining. I try to ride everyday.
I enjoy playing my guitar, but I am not very good.
I can fix a lot of things. I enjoy adding tools to my toolbox to fix things.
I enjoy developing software.
My wife and I enjoy visiting our river house.
My wife and I enjoy when my children and grandchildren visit for meals and games.
I enjoy reading; however, teaching takes away from my reading time.
Get in Touch looks cool, but does not work. I may enable it in the future. The email listed on the right side works.
CPSC 405 is an operating systems course. I am teaching it using the MIT Xv6 operating system.
I have taught CPSC 110 (Intro Programming), 220 (Java Programming), 240 (OO Programming), 305 (Computer Architecture), 284, (Discrete Math), 391 (Special CS Projects, and 491 (Individual Study in CS)
Additionally, I have taken CPSC 350 (Application of DB), 345 (Intro to Computer Security), 448 (Web Dev), and 470 (IT Infrastructure in the Cloud).
Old documents from a previous CPSC 305 course.