
Welcome to Gusty.Bike, a website for programmers, bicyclists, guitarists, parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends. Mostly for programmers at this time.

mov r0, 0x47757374 // gust to r0
mov r1, 0x792e4269 // to r1
mov r2, 0x6b650000 // ke00 to r2

Slow Down

Observing nature is good for you.

River House

Gorgeous sunsets are good for you.

Nap Time

Naps are good for you.

Farmer's Creamery

Hard work is good for you.


Having fun is good for you.

Traffic Jam - Not!

Driving a submarine is good for you.


Wind blowing your hair is good for you.

Software Engineering

Writing code is good for you.


Feeding the hungry is good for you.


Walking on the beach is good for you.

Ice Cream

Eating ice cream at a ball game is good for you.

Blessed to Give

Sharing gifts is good for you.


A bee stung lip is not good for you.

Gusty's Activities

I like to stay busy. Some of my activities are captured in these boxes.


I have several bicycles that I enjoy riding and maintaining. I try to ride everyday.

Guitar Playing

I enjoy playing my guitar, but I am not very good.

Tools and Fixing

I can fix a lot of things. I enjoy adding tools to my toolbox to fix things.


I enjoy developing software.

Morning Exercises

River House

My wife and I enjoy visiting our river house.

Family Games

My wife and I enjoy when my children and grandchildren visit for meals and games.


I enjoy reading; however, teaching takes away from my reading time.

Get in touch

Get in Touch looks cool, but does not work. I may enable it in the future. The email listed on the right side works.

CPSC Courses

CPSC 405 is an operating systems course. I am teaching it using the MIT Xv6 operating system.

405 - Homepage

405 - Schedule

405 - Syllabus

405 - Books

I have taught CPSC 110 (Intro Programming), 220 (Java Programming), 240 (OO Programming), 305 (Computer Architecture), 284, (Discrete Math), 391 (Special CS Projects, and 491 (Individual Study in CS)

Additionally, I have taken CPSC 350 (Application of DB), 345 (Intro to Computer Security), 448 (Web Dev), and 470 (IT Infrastructure in the Cloud).

Old documents from a previous CPSC 305 course.