Reading materials
Operating Systems Textbooks
Unix was based on Multics, which was a timeshared OS developed by MIT, General Electric,
and Bell Labs. Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie (of Bell Labs) worked on Multics. Multics (MULTiplexed Information and Computing Service) had lots of good and novel ideas, but it was never a commercial success. Sometime around 1968, Bell Labs withdrew from the project. Thompson and Ritchie continued their OS work at Bell Labs, first on a PDP-7 computer and then on a PDP-11. Somewhat
poking fun at Multics, they called their new OS, Uniplexed Information and Computing Service or Unics. At some point the name became Unix.
- Youtube Unix intro
The UNIX Time-Sharing System,
M. Ritchie
and Ken
Bell System Technical Journal 57, number 6, part 2
(July-August 1978) pages 1905-1930.
The Evolution of the Unix Time-sharing System,
Dennis M. Ritchie, 1979.
The following image shows Ken Thompson (sitting) and Dennis Ritchie using a PDP-11 computer.
Sometime in 1969, they began Unix development on a PDP-7, which had 8K, 18-bit words of memory.
Sometime in 1970, they continued development of Unix on a newly purchased PDP-11.
Unix was originally written in PDP assembly, but it was re-written in C in 1973. The development of Unix and C have a similar timeline.
The orange lines encircle tapes that would have been used to backup code in an archive.
C Programming Language
RISC-V Emulation
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Last updated 8-Aug-2024 13:30 EST