Sample RISV-V, Establish Linux, Establish Xv6, Test Xv6
In CPSC 405, we develop software using the C programming language. Our software is either (1) Xv6Linux/Unix utility or system programs (like cat and ls) or (2) operating system code that is part of Xv6. To develop our programs, you must have a Linux/Unix operating system, two C compiler toolchains, the Gnu Debugger (gdb), make, and other standard Linux utilities. A C compiler toolchain includes programs such as a C preprocessor, C compiler, assembler, linker, and C object dump. Most of our programs are developed for the Xv6 operating system. Xv6 is a special environment that includes the source code for simple Unix/Linux like OS and its utility programs (i.e., ls, cat, grep, etc.). Xv6 runs on a RISC-V architecture, which for our class is in the qemu emulator, which runs on a Linux computer. To summarize, you need
The simplest way to establish your programming environments is to use our CPSC server. It is a Linux computer that has all of the tools required for out class. You do not have to do anything to install Linux, QEMU, and the RISC-V compiler toolchain. All you have to do is login, perform git clones, design, edit, build, and test your programs.
For those more adventuresome, you can establish the programming environments on your personal computers. The instructions on this webpage describe how to establish the programming environments on your personal computers. You must perform two main steps.
To reiterate, it is easiest to use the CPSC Linux Server - it has everything needed for our class.
If you are having trouble getting things set up, please come by to office hours, or post questions to Discord. We (me and students in our class) are happy to help!
$ riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc test.c test.c:1:27: error: conflicting types for 'argv'; have 'char **' 1 | int main(int argv, char **argv) { | ~~~~~~~^~~~ test.c:1:14: note: previous definition of 'argv' with type 'int' 1 | int main(int argv, char **argv) { | ~~~~^~~~ $ vim test.c <-- edit to fix duplicate argv $ riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc test.c $ ls a.out test.c
The following shows running the RISC-V gcc cross compiler to generate assembly code.
$ riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc -S test.c $ ls test.c test.s $ cat test.c int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i = 0, j = 0; while (i < 10) j++; return 0; } $ cat test.s .file "test.c" .option pic .text .align 1 .globl main .type main, @function main: addi sp,sp,-48 sd s0,40(sp) addi s0,sp,48 mv a5,a0 sd a1,-48(s0) sw a5,-36(s0) sw zero,-20(s0) sw zero,-24(s0) j .L2 .L3: lw a5,-24(s0) addiw a5,a5,1 sw a5,-24(s0) .L2: lw a5,-20(s0) sext.w a4,a5 li a5,9 ble a4,a5,.L3 li a5,0 mv a0,a5 ld s0,40(sp) addi sp,sp,48 jr ra .size main, .-main .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
The following shows running the RISC-V object dump program.
$ riscv64-linux-gnu-objdump -S wc.o wc.o: file format elf64-littleriscv Disassembly of section .text: 0000000000000000: char buf[512]; void wc(int fd, char *name) { 0: 7119 addi sp,sp,-128 0000000000000002 <.LCFI0>: 2: fc86 sd ra,120(sp) 4: f8a2 sd s0,112(sp) 6: f4a6 sd s1,104(sp) 8: f0ca sd s2,96(sp) a: ecce sd s3,88(sp) c: e8d2 sd s4,80(sp) e: e4d6 sd s5,72(sp) 10: e0da sd s6,64(sp) 12: fc5e sd s7,56(sp) 14: f862 sd s8,48(sp) 16: f466 sd s9,40(sp) 18: f06a sd s10,32(sp) 1a: ec6e sd s11,24(sp) 1c: 0100 addi s0,sp,128 000000000000001e <.LCFI1>: 1e: f8a43423 sd a0,-120(s0) 22: f8b43023 sd a1,-128(s0) 0000000000000026 <.LVL1>: int i, n; int l, w, c, inword; l = w = c = 0; inword = 0; 26: 4981 li s3,0 l = w = c = 0; 28: 4c81 li s9,0 2a: 4c01 li s8,0 2c: 4b81 li s7,0 2e: 00000d97 auipc s11,0x0 32: 000d8d93 mv s11,s11 while((n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0){ for(i=0; i 0){ 42: a805 j 72 <.L2> ... There is more output for this command ...
The following sections describe how to establish Linux and C for CPSC Server, Linux, MacOS, and Windows.
We have a Linux cloud server at
, on which everyone should have an account.
If you do not have an account, you can request one. Our CPSC Linux server is ready to use for Linux programming.
% ssh's password: ************************************************************* * Welcome to * * ___ _ __ ___ ___ * * / __|| '_ \ / __| / __| * * | (__ | |_) |\__ \| (__ * * \___|| .__/ |___/ \___| * * |_| * * * * For use by UMW faculty and staff for academic use only. * * Please be respectful of others. Questions and issues can * * be directed to * ************************************************************* Last login: Wed Jul 6 17:37:17 2022 from Hello username@cpsc:~$ ls dir1 dir2 dir3
For those of you using Linux, you are ready. Linux is Linux and has the C compiler tools suite.
The MacOS terminal windows provide a Linux-like environment. MacOS is not based on the Linux source code, but it is based on Unix. You will need the MacOS Xcode command line developer tools, which contains git, the C compiler toolchain, and other items. You have three choices to install the MacOS Xcode Command Line Tools.
$ xcode-select --install
Windows supports Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). The entire WSL documentation is at Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
There are two versions - WSL2 and WSL1. WSL2 is newer, preferred, and is the default installation, but either works for our purposes. I have installed and used both WSL1 and WSL2. I installed WSL 1 on an older computer that does not have a version of Windows required for WSL2. Second, on my newer Windows, I installed WSL2. If your computer supports WSL2, you should install it. For installation of WSL1/2 see WSL Installation
The installation includes an Ubuntu distribution, which is fine for us.
You run Ubuntu from the Windows home button. The first time you run Ubuntu, you must create a username and password.
You want to easily share files between Windows on Ubuntu. You can find several ways to do this on the Internet. One way is to enter the following command in your Ubuntu
$ explorer.exe .
You get an Explorer window that is viewing your Linux files. Drag the box showing the Linux path to the Quick Access in the Explorer window. You can drag files from Windows to this Quick Access point. When I viewed the files from Linux, they were owned by root. You can do the following to change the file owner. The gusty:gusty is your username.
$ sudo su # chown gusty:gusty *
You must install the host versions of gcc and make on your Linux. To establish the C compiler, issue the following commands.
$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install build essential $ sudo apt-get install manpages-dev $ gcc --versionWhen you enter $ make, make provides the commands to install make.
You can also install Windows Terminal from the Microsoft Store. The terminal has tabs, so you can run ubuntu via the > ubuntu command.
For the Xv6 programming environment you need the RISC-V versions of a several tools: QEMU 5.1+, GDB 8.3+, GCC, and Binutils.
The simplest way to access the Xv6 programming environment is to use the UMW CPSC server.
The Tools have been installed on the UMW CPSC Server. You can login, clone the git repo, and begin to work.
$ ssh's password:username@cpsc:~$ git clone username@cpsc:~$ cd xv6-labs/ username@cpsc:~/xv6-labs$
sudo apt-get install git build-essential gdb-multiarch qemu-system-misc gcc-riscv64-linux-gnu binutils-riscv64-linux-gnu
sudo pacman -S riscv64-linux-gnu-binutils riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc riscv64-linux-gnu-gdb qemu-emulators-full
Students running Windows are encouraged to either install Linux on their local machine or use WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux 2).
We also encourage students to install the Windows Terminal tool in lieu of using Powershell/Command Prompt.
To use WSL 2, first make sure you have the Windows Subsystem for Linux installed. Then add Ubuntu 20.04 from the Microsoft Store. Afterwards you should be able to launch Ubuntu and interact with the machine.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that you are running version 2 of WSL. WSL 1 is implemented with a different architecture than WSL 2, which may cause future problems with the labs. To sanity check, run wsl -l -v
in a Windows terminal to confirm that WSL 2 and the correct Ubuntu version are installed.
To install all the software you need for this class, run:
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade $ sudo apt-get install git build-essential gdb-multiarch qemu-system-misc gcc-riscv64-linux-gnu binutils-riscv64-linux-gnu
From Windows, you can access all of your WSL files under the "\\wsl$\" directory. For instance, the home directory for an Ubuntu 20.04 installation should be at "\\wsl$\Ubuntu-20.04\home\<username>\".
First, install developer tools. You probably did this as you established you Linux environment.
$ xcode-select --install
Next, install Homebrew, a package manager for macOS:
$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Next, install the RISC-V compiler toolchain:
$ brew tap riscv/riscv $ brew install riscv-tools
The brew formula may not link into /usr/local. You will need to update your shell's rc file (e.g. ~/.bashrc) to add the appropriate directory to $PATH.
Finally, install QEMU:
brew install qemu
If you're running an operating system on which it's not convenient to install the RISC-V tools, you may find it useful to run a Linux virtual machine (VM) and install the tools in the VM. Installing a Linux virtual machine is a two step process. First, you download the virtualization platform.
VirtualBox is a little slower and less flexible, but free!
Once the virtualization platform is installed, download a boot disk image for the Linux distribution of your choice.
This will download a file named something like ubuntu-20.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso. Start up your virtualization platform and create a new (64-bit) virtual machine. Use the downloaded Ubuntu image as a boot disk; the procedure differs among VMs but shouldn't be too difficult.
To test your Xv6 installation, you should be able to compile and run xv6. You can try this by following the instructions in the first lab.
You can also double check your installation is correct by running the following:
$ qemu-system-riscv64 --version QEMU emulator version 5.1.0
And at least one RISC-V version of GCC:
$ riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc --version riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc (Debian 10.3.0-8) 10.3.0 ...
$ riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc --version riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc (GCC) 10.1.0 ...
$ riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc --version riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc (GCC) 10.1.0 ...
Questions or comments regarding CPSC 405? Send e-mail to Gusty at
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Last updated 8-Aug-2024 13:30 EST